Dumbest Video Ever

Terrence plays fetch with a robot dog in The Lab on the HTC Vive Tags: Dumbest Video Ever, The Lab, VR, Virtual Reality, The Lab, HTC Vive, video games, gaming, Terrence Smith

Diaries of Drag: Tytannia Lockhart

Adrean Mejias takes the stagename “Tytannia Lockhart” while performing in drag. The former graduate of Mount Holyoke College began doing drag after being inspired by his local Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA). Mejias has been a performer at Diva’s Nightclub for years,…

Public Shade Tree Commission 9/21/16

Tags: Northampton, Massachusetts, Noho, Hamp, Northampton MA, government, politics, public meetings, government transparency, open meeting law, free speech, NCTV, Public Access, Television, local TV, community media

Planning Board 9/22/16

Planning Board 9/22/16 Tags: Northampton, Massachusetts, Noho, Hamp, Northampton MA, government, politics, public meetings, government transparency, open meeting law, free speech, NCTV, Public Access, Television, local TV, community media

Community Resources Committee 9/19/16

Community Resources Committee 9/19/16 Tags: Northampton, Massachusetts, Noho, Hamp, Northampton MA, government, politics, public meetings, government transparency, open meeting law, free speech, NCTV, Public Access, Television, local TV, community media

Wayfinding Ideate Public Forum 9/20/16

Wayfinding Ideate Public Forum 9/20/16 Tags: Northampton, Massachusetts, Noho, Hamp, Northampton MA, government, politics, public meetings, government transparency, open meeting law, free speech, NCTV, Public Access, Television, local TV, community media

Human Rights Commission 9/14/16

Human Rights Commission 9/14/16 Tags: Northampton, Massachusetts, Noho, Hamp, Northampton MA, government, politics, public meetings, government transparency, open meeting law, free speech, NCTV, Public Access, Television, local TV, community media