Film Sprint: Puppet Film by Poor Farm Productions

Teams of filmmakers of all ages and skill-levels in Western MA received random genres and created original short films as part of the 7 Day Film Sprint. Poor Farm Productions led by Phil Dowling created this Puppet film “A River…

Film Sprint: B-Movie Horror by Theresa Chamberland

Teams of filmmakers of all ages and skill-levels in Western MA received random genres and created original short films as part of the 7 Day Film Sprint. Theresa Chamberland takes a unique approach on B-Movie Horror with her film “Going…

Film Sprint: Urban Drama by Majaja

Teams of filmmakers of all ages and skill-levels in Western MA received random genres and created original short films as part of the 7 Day Film Sprint. Team Majaja, led by Jessica O’Connell, created this Urban Drama confronting issues of…

Film Sprint: Superhero Film by Comedy As A Weapon

Teams of filmmakers of all ages and skill-levels in Western MA received random genres and created original short films as part of the 7 Day Film Sprint. Tim Lovett of Comedy As a Weapon created this hilarious superhero spoof “The…

Film Sprint: Martial Arts by Dali Llamma

Teams of filmmakers of all ages and skill-levels in Western MA received random genres and created original short films as part of the 7 Day Film Sprint. This martial arts film “Hard Look in the Mirror” was created by team…

Film Sprint: Heist by Sad Penguin Productions

Teams of filmmakers of all ages and skill-levels in Western MA received random genres and created original short films as part of the 7 Day Film Sprint. Sad Penguin Productions, led by Michael Barboza McLean made this Heist film “Fenetre”…