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City Council 10/1/15
League of Womens Voters Book Sale
The League of Women Voters held their annual book sale on Saturday September 26 at the Smith Vocational School in Northampton. This was their 66th annual sale. The sale acts the group’s only fundraiser and serves to fund their voter…
Solar on the Landfill – A Public Informational Forum 9/30/15
Protest! Hotel Northampton
Employees from Hotel Northampton rally to demand recognition from hotel managment of their union.
“Amazing Place” A Song for the Planet
Lyrics by Jane Johnson Video by Paki Wieland Amazing Place! How sweet this Earth That bore a wretch like me. We’ve nearly lost Her now I see How great that loss could be. Such loss that taught my heart to…
Board of Directors Nomination
NCTV Membership, In 2015 one generally elected seat on the NCTV Board of Directors will be open. Here’s the information you need regarding the nomination and election of the elected seats on the NCTV Board of Directors. The board has…