Wes Montgomery Caravan Collage

Video collage of Wes Montgomery playing “Caravan”. Video by John Riley Tags: John Riley, Wes Montgomery, Caravan, collage, experimental, music

Nick Tokman Speaks at the Hampshire Regional YMCA

Nick Tokman from Discovery Channel’s “Deadliest Catch” speaks to children at the Hampshire Regional YMCA in Northampton, Massachusetts. Video by Erica Desreuisseau Tags: Erica Desreuisseau, HRYMCA, YMCA, Nick Tokman, Deadliest Catch, children, discovery channel, motivational speech

Sunflower Array

Video collage of sunflowers and radar by John Riley Tags: John Riley, sunflower array, experimental, collage

Jonathan Edwards at Forbes Library

Elise Bernier-Feeley speaking about the Jonathan Edwards collection at Forbes Library Video by John Riley Tags: John Riley, Jonathan Edwards, Forbes Library, Elise Bernier-Feeley

Caught Off Guard

Caught Off Guard student Improv group at Northampton High School. Video by John Riley Tags: Improv, Caught Off Guard, Northampton High School, John Riley, improvisation, theatre

Folk Festival 4/28/15

Video by Bonnie Burnham Tags: Bonnie Burnham, Folk Festival

Charles Cutter at the Forbes Library

Elise Bernier-Feeley discussing the role of Charles Cutter in the building of the Forbes Library collection. Video by John Riley Tags: John Riley, Charles Cutter, Forbes Library, Elise Bernier-Feeley, books, library, history