School Committee 9/10/15


Grow. Bloom. Shine. Loving Life Starts with Loving Yourself

Loving Life Starts with Loving Yourself. A motivational talk with Bonnie Druschel. Video by Dan Madsen Tags: Dan Madsen, mindfulness, self actualization, Bonnie Druschel, healing, peace, Glow Bloom Shine, love, life, awareness

Crowdsourced Cinema: Raiders of the Lost Ark Trailer

40+ Teams from Northampton and Beyond did a shot-for-shot remake of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” this summer. Each team was assigned a random 2-3 minute scene to recreate. The full movie will premiere at the Northampton Film Festival in…

City Council 9/3/15

The Northampton, MA City Council meeting held September 3, 2015. Agenda: