Celebrating 100 Years of Bridge Street School

Bridge Street Elementary School in Northampton Center celebrated its 100 year anniversary on Thursday, May 28. tags: Bridge Street School, Northampton Center, Public Schools, 100 Years, Elementary School

Finding J

NCTV interns take on WRSI’s recent contest, “Say Hey to J.” Watch as they attempt to find a J. Mascis impersonator lurking in Northampton’s hallowed cheese aisles. Will they succeed? Produced by Alexis Hott and Sophie Brown Contest Information: http://wrsi.com/2015/07/08/say-hey-to-j-today-and-youll-win-tickets-to-the-green-river-festival/…

Protest! Nonviolent PeaceForce 4/8/15

Nonviolent PeaceForce with Mel Duncan at the Northampton Friends Meeting House Video by Paki Wieland Tags: Protest, Paki Wieland, Nonviolent, PeaceForce, Mel Duncan, Northampton Friends Meeting House, activism, social justice