US FIRST Team 4097 – BattleCry 16
Team 4097 getting 2 4-stacks at BattleCry at WPI on May 24th, 2015.
Team 4097 getting 2 4-stacks at BattleCry at WPI on May 24th, 2015.
State and town officials met with community members to discuss what Northampton locals call the “dog park.” The 282 acre parcel of land has been used by the community as a recreational area since 1983 after the State Hospital closed….
Downtown Dan interviews a little boy on the street in Northampton. Tags: Funny, Kids say the darndest things, world peace, little boy, little kid, Downtown Dan, Daniel Evans, Brenna Totty, Tuskegee Airmen, veterans, speak up america, messages to the world,…
Tags: City Council, government, Northampton
Conservation Commission 5/14/15
ReUse Committee 5/14/15
Video by Paki Wieland Tags: Paki Wieland, Frances Crowe, Smith College, degree, activism, Raging Grannies, social justice, peace, human rights
Host “Downtown” Daniel Evans of Northampton brings awareness of the struggle of veterans trying to find shelter and food through local music and community. Video by Brenna Totty Tags: Downtown Dan, Daniel Evans, Brenna Totty, Tuskegee Airmen, veterans, speak up…