NCTV Newsletter

Cinema Northampton returns, locally made sci-fi film, and an upcoming Northampton film festival.


The latest poetic music video by L.D. Green – MissTrust is about a cheating wife who gets caught and punished. Tags: LD Green, Larry Green, MissTrust, Mistrust, poem, poetry, jazz, Dishonest Gabe, Ben Bradley-Gilbert, Hannah Holman, music video

The Re-Center Opens Its Doors

Saturday April 25th marked the official ribbon cutting of the Re Center Swap Shop in Northampton MA. Northampton Citizens lined up outside to search through the building of free goods as well as to donate their own household extras.

Lady from Maxims

Fools Be Known stars do video for Lady From Maxim’s NHS production. Tags: Gabe Bernini, Fools be Known, Lady Maxims, NHS, theater

National Priorities Project: What We Work On – Transparency

A series of short videos describe the work that the National Priorities Project does. Videos Produced by Lillian Baulding Tags: NPP, National Priorities Project, Activism, Social Justice, Government Transparency, Lillian Baulding, Washington DC, America, Federal, Transparency