Dollar$ for Scholars 2014

Dollar$ for Scholars 2014 is the 9th Year the clever folks that raise money for scholarships have sent citizens scavenging for trivia, facts –as they like to call it, Local Legends and Lure. October 4th Edition had teams scouring Florence…

Sunset of September

26 secs of one of the most spectacular sunsets of September–take from the entry of the Forbes Library–while people o and ahhh over it. Video by Alicia Ralph


W.O.F.A African Drumming And Dance

Poppin’ in the Pioneer Valley – Episode 4

We spent a very full day and evening at McCray’s Farm in South Hadley, Ma. A relaxing hayride to the pumpkin patch, finding the perfect pumpkin, meeting the cows and other friendly animals we we could fee, meeting the milk…