Strange Stories of Science! Bugs! Scandal! Fiction! 10/1/14

Part of the LOCAL HISTORY/LOCAL NOVELISTS READING SERIES at Forbes Library. A tiny insect secretes a resin that makes things shine. A brilliant scientist, convicted at the peak of his career of making illegal drugs in his campus laboratory, attempts…

Paradise City Press – Bike 4 Food

On the last Thursday of September 2014, The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts held its fourth annual Will Bike 4 Food fundraiser. There were 250 cyclists and over 60 volunteers who came together to raise funds for the food bank…

Young Lady Lattisue Trailer

This is a trailer to the film Young Lady Lattisue, Being shown at the Commonwealth Academy located at 1 Ames Hill rd Spfld,Ma 01105 on oct 10 2014 at 7 pm.This is a Red Carpet Event so dress to impress….

GH4 96fps Trials

Some slow motion tests shot with a Panasonic GH4 at Northampton Community Television. Music by: ZOE.LEELA