Northampton City Council 08/14/2014

The Northampton City Council Meeting held on August 14, 2014. Agenda:

Cooking with Laura: Homemade Pasta

Chef-in-training Laura Alpern makes a homemade Orecchiette pasta with a creamy leek sauce. Learn the secrets of the recipe and then make it yourself! (Edited by Julia Alpern)

Northampton Community Gardens

Last week, curious about the Northampton Community Gardens behind Smith College on Rt. 66, I sat down with Mimi Teghtsoonian, a member of the garden committee and the de facto organizer of the gardens. She greeted me with a warm…

Reader to Reader Enchanted Circle Interns

Reader to Reader, based in Amherst, provided customized academic help to the Holyoke Public School’s Summer of Power. Featured here are the interns that helped out the Enchanted Circle Theater’s Acting Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. We meet Luiz Korobkova, Daejione Jones…