Northampton High School Varsity Lacrosse vs Brattleboro 4/11/14
tags: lacrosse, sports, lax, NHS, Northampton High School, Blue Devils, Brattlebro
tags: lacrosse, sports, lax, NHS, Northampton High School, Blue Devils, Brattlebro
Tags: Northampton, MA, City Council, NCTV, community television
A panel discussion on Donald Perry and the prison/parole system in Massachusetts.
We tested out our GoPro at 250 frames per second (10x the amount of our usual frame rate) allowing us to see more detail when the video is slowed down. Music by The Passion HiFi –
Point/Counterpoint on the use of statins for the primary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in diabetes mellitus Tags: Statins, Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Dr. Korff, Noah Korff, Cooley Dickinson Hospital