Meth Chef:The Key to Cooking

When a meth deal goes wrong… This film was made for a Northampton High School Wellness Class, and is not intended to promote using drugs Written/Directed by Benjamin Bradley-Gilbert Producers … Katie Scmittlein, Jonathan Minoff, Caison Warner Starring: Casper L’Esperance-Kerckhoff…

My Confession: I LOVE Acid

After Liz uses LSD to improve her art skills Liz discovers that taking drugs isn’t always a good idea… This film was made for a Northampton High School Wellness Class, and is not intended to promote using drugs. Directed by…

Ward 6 Stormwater and Flood Control Public Forum 12/12/13

A public forum for Ward 6 residents to ask questions about the proposed Stormwater and Flood Control fees. Tags: Ward 6, Public Forum, Stormwater, Flood Control, residents, Northampton, BPW, DPW, Board of Public Works, Public Safety, Department of Public Works,…

Protest: Close Gitmo

Video by Paki Wieland Tags: Protest, Gitmo, activism, activist, Paki Wieland

“Making Things Better” | Northampton Devilbots | Team 4097

A cool music video for the Northampton High School robotics team known as “Devilbots.” We made this with the equipment supplied by Northampton Community Television and help from several of the team members! SPONSORED & ASSISTED BY: L3KEO: UNITED…

International Human Rights Day 2013

Citizens of Northampton, MA came together December 10, 2013–International Human Rights Day–to commemorate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the UN in 1948. The event drew more than 100 people and local officials to the Unitarian Society of…