Northampton City Council Organizational Meeting 1/7/13
Tags: Board of Public Works, Northampton, BPW, public meeting, government
Tags: Transportation, Parking, Commission, meeting, public meeting, government, Northampton
Tags: Social Services, Veteran’s Affairs, Veterans, public meeting, government, Northamtpton, committee
Tags: Conservation Commission, Northampton, Public Meeting, government
Tags: Energy Commission, public meeting, northampton, government
Tags: Northampton, City Council
The Northampton School Committee meeting held on December 12, 2013.
This presentation was made at the Agricultural Commission meeting held in the JFK community room in Northampton, MA on December 11, 2013. Tags: Northampton, Agriculture, Farm
Northampton launched a completely re-desgined municipal website for the City of Northampton. In addition to a beautiful new look, the site includes a host of new features to make information and services about Northampton easily accessible to residents, businesses ,…