Northampton City Councilor At-Large Candidates Forum 6/27/16

Northampton City Councilor At-Large Candidates Forum 6/27/16

The contest for the seat being vacated by Jesse Adams will be decided in a two-part special election. Voters will head to the polls July 7 to narrow the pool to two candidates and a new city councilor will be named in a final election Aug. 4.

Ryan O’Donnell, Andrew B. Smith, Blue DuVal and Marlene A. Morin

Vote July 7, 2016:

Tags: At-Large Candidates Forum, At-Large, City Council, Elections, Jesse Adams, Ryan O’Donnell, Andrew Smith, Blue DuVal, Marlene Morin, Daily Hampshire Gazette, Stanley Moulton, Stan Moulton, League of Women Voters of the Northampton Area, Senior Center, League of Women Voters, LWV