SVAHS – Role and Authority Training, 1/19/16

At it’s first meeting of the 2016-2017 term on January 19, 2016, the Smith Vocational and Agricultural High School (SVAHS) Board of Trustees received a training presentation on its role and authority relative to the will of Oliver Smith and Massachusetts law as well as its obligations under the state’s Open Meeting Law. The presenter was SVAHS legal counsel Attorney Virginia Williams Tate from the law firm Murphy, Hesse, Toomey & Lehane, LLP in Quincy, MA. All five members of the Board of Trustees were present: Chair Michael Cahillane, Vice Chair Thomas FitzGerald, John Cotton, Dr. John Provost, and Mayor David Narkewicz. SVAHS Superintendent Jeffrey Peterson and Principal Andrew Linkenhoker were also in attendance along with other administrative staff and faculty. More information about Smith Vocational and Agriculatural High School is available on its website: