The North Korea Nuclear Threat and U.S. Policy

As we edge closer to war with N. Korea – with aircraft carriers in the waters near N Korea and Trump on a 10-day Asian trip – information about N. Korea, US involvement and our policies in the region, and ways we can work to avert war is critical.

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Professor Michael Klare, a Five-College Professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College, and a pre-eminent scholar in the field of global relations. He is also defense correspondent for The Nation, on the Board of the Arms Control Association, a prolific writer, and is known internationally for his work.

Tom Countryman has recently been elected Chair of the Board of the Arms Control Association in Washington, D.C. Until recently, he was the Assistant Secretary of State for Nonproliferation Affairs. and also the Acting Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security.

Professor Dennis Yasutomo is the Esther Cloudman Dunn Professor of Government at Smith College, and specializes in contemporary Japanese foreign policy. He has written extensively on the complex relations in the region.

Rep. Jim McGovern, D-MA, 2nd District, participating through video, will describe current legislative efforts on Capitol Hill to avert war and how we can help advance those efforts.