Northampton City Council 6/27/13

The Northampton City Council Meeting that was held on June 27, 2013. Agenda:

The Mayor’s Report: Greenway River Front Park

Northampton Mayor David Narkewicz talks to Wayne Feiden and Jonathan Wright about the Connecticut River Greenway being developed with Massachusetts Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities grants and Community Preservation Act funds.

OK Stupid

A short comedy directed by Tom Knight. (Note: There are some minor instances of explicit language.) Ed (Jonathan Caws-Elwitt) and Sue (Megan McGrath) met on the OK Cupid internet dating site, and have emailed and talked on the phone…

Carrie Ferguson – “Girls Like Me”

Girls Like Me by Carrie Ferguson Filmed and edited by Tom Knight ( Choreography by Seal LaMadeleine. Solo dance by Aiden Leigh Bartelt. Makeup by Katie Bouchard. Shot at Wildlife Sanctuary, Arts and Industry Building, Northampton, MA. Produced and recorded…

Young@Heart “All We Have Is Now” The Flaming Lips Young@Heart Chorus and soloist Jack Schnepp, with backing vocals by John Rinehart and Steve Martin, sing “All We Have Is Now” live at our 30th Anniversary concerts in October 2012 at the Academy of Music in Northampton,…